
One-of-a-kind Books written and published by Christopher Howard

(1) “Costa Rican Spanish Survival Course” (1986)

(2) BEST SELLER “Christopher Howard’s The New Golden Door to Retirement and Living in Costa Rica” (1988-2010) 16 editions ISBN-10: 1-881233-66-4

(3) “Driving the Pan-American Highway to Mexico and Central America” (1996) ISBN-10: 1-881233-48-0

(4) “Christopher Howard’s Living and Investing in the New Cuba (2009) Three editions ISBN-10: 1-881233-52-9

(5) BEST SELLER “Christopher Howard’s Living and Investing in the New Nicaragua” (2010) Three editions ISBN-10: 1-881233-61-9

(6) BEST SELLER “Christopher Howard’s Living and Investing in Panama” (2010) Two editions ISBN-10: 1-881233-46-4

(7) BEST SELLER “Christopher Howard’s Guide to Costa Rican Spanish” (2010) Two editions ISBN-10: 1-881233-87-1

(8) “Christopher Howard’s Official Guide to Panamanian Spanish” (2008) First edition ISBN-10: 1-881233-89-8

(9) “Christopher Howard’s Official Guide to Cuban Spanish” (2008) First edition ISBN-10: 1-881233-90-1

(10) “Christopher Howard’s Official Guide to Mexican Spanish” (2009) First edition ISBN-10: 1-881233-91-X

(11) “Christopher Howard’s Official Guide to Nicaraguan Spanish” (2009) First edition ISBN-10: 1-881233-92-8

(12) Christopher Howard’s Guide to Real Estate in Costa Rica” (2009) First edition ISBN-10: 1-881233-69-3 

(13) ”Guide to Costa Rica’s Legal System for tontos (dumbells)” (2012) First edition ISBN-10: 1-881233-99-5

(14) “Christopher Howard’s Guide to Living and Retiring in South America” to be published later in 2012